Effective date: 10 June, 2024

Cookie Policy

BlueDot Impact Ltd is a UK non-profit, registered as a company limited by guarantee (company number 14964572). You can contact us via the details on our contact page.

We use cookies and similar technologies on our websites and applications, including bluedot.org, aisafetyfundamentals.com, biosecurityfundamentals.com (collectively “Platforms”).

What cookies do we use and what information do they collect?

Essential cookies

These cookies are required to enable core functionality. This includes technologies that allow you to use our Platforms; prevent fraudulent activity and improve security; or that allow you to make use of other website functions.

The cookies that we use in this category are:

  • cookielawinfo-checkbox-*: Set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin, this cookie is used to record the user consent for the cookies in various categories.
  • _GRECAPTCHA: Set by the provider ReCaptcha. This is used on forms to protect our Platforms against bots.
  • __stripe_mid, __stripe_sid, ndcd: Set by Stripe. This is used to prevent fraud when taking payments.
  • agisf_* (when logged in): Set by our course hub. This keeps you signed in to your account as you navigate between pages.

Non-essential cookies

These cookies help us improve or optimize the experience we provide. They allow us to measure how visitors interact with the Platforms and we use this information to improve the user experience and performance of the Platforms.

The cookies that we use in this category are:

  • _ga*, _gid, _gat: Set by Google Analytics. This helps us understand how people are interacting with our websites, for example what order you view pages in, and whether you’re a new or returning visitor.
  • ph_*: Set by PostHog Analytics. This helps us understand how people are interacting with our websites, for example what order you view pages in, and whether you’re a new or returning visitor.
  • _vwo*: Set by Visual Website Optimizer. This allows us to A/B test different versions of our site.
  • agisf_* (when not logged in): Set by our course hub. This helps us understand how people are interacting with our course hub.
  • Google gclid: Set by Google Ads. This helps us understand how effective our marketing efforts are, for example by tracking when users who clicked an advert go on to apply for a course.
  • X (Twitter) pixel: Set by X Ads. This helps us understand how effective our marketing efforts are, for example by tracking when users who clicked an advert go on to apply for a course.
  • Meta (Facebook) pixel: Set by Meta Ads. This helps us understand how effective our marketing efforts are, for example by tracking when users who clicked an advert go on to apply for a course.
  • LinkedIn Insight tag: Set by LinkedIn Ads. This helps us understand how effective our marketing efforts are, for example by tracking when users who clicked an advert go on to apply for a course.

We use analytics cookies to improve our website and measure ad performance. Cookie Policy.